Starshiphead > unfinishedinity and beyond!
Hello Starshiphead is edging closer towards the music side of the album, having fun with the last few bits and bobs. My secret friend...
Anyone in the Moistonian Empire that doesn't sing the praise songs of Sharkmoist are deviants. Frank suspects that might be you. If you are writing your own songs then keep an eye on the skies because that laser beam is about to shatter your dream.
Best bet is find yourself a spacecraft crazy enough to skedaddle you towards the Outer Rim. Captain Gooznooz currently has a 2 for 1 deal, just cut out the coupons in the Moist Herald or visit Oord Voids hairdressing shop for details. Email for co-ordinates.
Fumble Bass
Pro-ag-gressive Drums
Repetitive Solos